Well, we just got back from a quick trip to Lancaster, PA. We woke up at about 3:30 in the morning on Friday and flew into Philadelphia, PA. We took a trip downtown to go see the Liberty Bell! Then took a walk to go find some famous Philly Steak Sandwiches! Our walk downtown was so beautiful with all the old historic brick buildings and since spring was in the air some of the trees had beautiful pink and yellow blossoms on them!
Them we headed to Lancaster. We had such a great time with Twila and all the volunteers who give of their time to make the evening so special for the artists and the fans that come. We always have so much fun being in concert with Triumphant Qt and they did an amazing job like always! We will be with them again and other groups in September at Garden Spot Promotions Labor Day sing.
We had 2 early flights this trip, we caught our 6am flight out of Philly on Sunday ( now we know why they call them “red eye” flights!!) When we touched down in Omaha, NE we flew back home to SNOW! Just when we thought spring was here we got a snow storm on April 5th!
Jessica turned 24 on the 5th!! Happy Birthday to Jessica!! Thank you to all who wished her a happy birthday and sent cards, it was greatly appreciated and so thoughtful!!
Well, take care till next time!