We parked in front of our Shipshewana “home” late Sunday night and proceeded to unload the bus and make ourselves “at home” for 2 weeks of shows, fellowship, Blue Gate food, and loads of fun! Shipshe is one of our favorite places. The Browns take in all the sights and sounds of this quaint Amish town…horses and buggies…all the Riegsecker stores…the Mercantile Center…the Flea Market…the antique stores…wonderful people…and lots of Mel’s Old fashioned Cream Pie!!!! We love being in the theater for 2 straight weeks. Opening shows for Sandi Patti was a treat again this year. She is the real deal and so sweet to work with. We had lots of visitors and had many fellowship meals at the Blue Gate Restaurant. Our two weeks closed with Friday and Saturday concerts at the City Conference Center with The Collingsworth Family and Ernie Haase Signature Sound. If you need a break and would like to get away to a quiet peaceful retreat with a chance to see a great show follow The Browns to “Sweet Home Shipshewana”
Sweet Home Shipshewana!
by admin | Jun 24, 2010 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
google.com, pub-7486251332634486, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0